Cry For BASS ---------------- -- by Rymix -- "It makes me want to sit right down and cry cry cry" Greetings. Rymix here with a new mod, techno style. Hope ya listen to this one LOUD (I mean, with 12in speakers or greater, just blasting). This belongs in my bass category of songs (Silent-Bass series) but it is more of a techno song (or something) overall. This song took me around 2 days to finish (finished 5-19-95). Pitch shifting is a pain in the %$*. Pitch shifting was used to get the vocals all in the same tune (I tried it out-of-tune to see if it would sound cool but it sucked). Hmmm... but the results sound pretty good (I don't do the best sampling, but oh well... :) My current techno-projects are huge. The two I'm working on now (It'll take me a while to complete these) are 'Predator' and 'The Wrath of Shao Kahn'. 'Predator' (if it'll be named that) will be a mod based on... ... Predator (couldn't you have guessed? :) and 'The Wrath of Shao Kahn' will be a mod based on Mortal Kombat II (don't sue me, Midway!). Both of these I've only collected the samples and played around with a few ideas and they are immense... like they probably will only be able to be played on 2meg chip amigas (or by people with fast-ram players). Sorry 'bout that! Anyways, here's the greets list: IRC Greets go out to: CrimsonT, Juno, Sheol(Aerial), Barnaby, Bearr, jasonsw, Effigy, Ducksaus, Hendrix77, Camilla, Nod0ze, sIn, NoFX, tf2u, reset, fenris, Lucifer, Tazzz, FastLane, AmigaMan, Tattoo, truck, dadevo, Iranon, BUD-, RAGE, Euler, Edsncrtr, raven, Jilly, GodVamp, Azathoth, PitFiend, SideWind, Sunrise, rad, QDref, erpola, villager, Nosferatu, crash, rupchuk, Lauraaa, MisterX, babbage, John Unix, nuttuh, gluon, polter, Grypas, Laviathan, and everyone else whom I forgot on #amiga, #suicide, and #trax. (please don't flame me if I forgot you... I'm Mr. Short term Memory :) If you like this and wanta hear more, please email me! If you hate techno, then don't email me please :) (It's not my fault!). If you need game music or anything else, email me also. (address is below) Or you can find me on IRC as [Death] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RMX_Emblem.jpg -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have included for some unknown reason a small 640x334 picture in this archive. This picture is a 'stereo slide 3D' (for a better name) picture of an RMX emblem of sorts... To 'see' the 3d effect, just cross your eyes so that your left eye sees the right half of the picture and your right eyes sees the left picture. It's best to be around 3-4 feet from your monitor (or further) or your eyes will begin to hurt !{ You can email me for info on my techniques or sharing techniques and stuff. I have a few other pics of sorts, both of this type and the red/blue glasses type... I *may* post some to the usenet group dealing with the subject (a.b.p.3d?). Well, hope ya like it :) Protracker & Amiga Rule 4ever! ---Time to BOOM--- ( -----This text is appended as the last instrument of the module-------